Alex Sportacus Íþróttaálfurinn XSuper Slightly above average
He/Him - AFABAirship pilot
Demisexual - PanromanticAuDHD
Chaotic GoodEmpathetic

Don't blink - you'll miss him! Sportacus is always on the move - it's his life! He lives high up in an airship, filled with sports equipment and fresh fruits and vegetables... While he appears to be and acts like a superhero, he claims to be only slightly above-average. He has no real superpowers - just the gift of an agile body, a love for healthy living, and a heart of gold!

No backstory yet!

Jedediah Sawyer (Jed, Bubba, Junior, Leatherface)Non-speaking (communicates in grunts in squeals)
He/Him - AMABCannibalistic
34Mentally deficient
Neutral GoodEmotionally unstable

Don't judge a book by its human-skin cover; Bubba is a total sweetheart. His family pushes him to be violent; he is the largest and strongest member, but also the youngest and most timid - strangers scare him easily, frightened to the point of violence. He hides himself behind masks made from the faces of his previous catches. His best friend is his bright yellow chainsaw, which he uses to expertly cut down those he's told to target... Despite the violent shell, he loves to sing and dance and play games - he's also quite the chef, if you don't mind having people parts in your food.

Coming from the eccentric (and likely inbred) Sawyer family in rural Texas, Jedidiah is a not-so-gentle giant of a man. His mother and father are not known to him as he was raised primarily by his older brothers, Drayton "Cook" Sawyer, and the twins, Nubbins and Robert "Chop-Top" Sawyer.
The entire family is, simply put, Insane, but Bubba is the only one who requires frequent attention and guidance from another person.
Little is known about his early years, but Bubba's life appears to be rather stagnant. Living in a rather unfortunate and poor area, the brothers once worked together in a local slaughterhouse. Their jobs paid well, and they all greatly enjoyed the act of bashing in cow skulls with hammers; but the fun was cut short due to the invention of the cattle bolt gun. The family were laid off from their jobs, and money quickly became scarce.
The family resorted to growing, raising, and hunting for their own food. Drayton would also come to purchase and manage a dingy gas station along the dusty Texas highway, where he made a barely sustainable earning.
They started by stealing or killing livestock - chickens, goats, and cows - but the Sawyer family desired a more unique source of sustenance. Already having little regard for human life, they had no trouble with capturing the occasional gas station visitor. (Drayton would eventually start selling his famous chili in the gas station, using human remains for added flavor.)To maximize the resources from their human and animal victims, the Sawyers learned to make furniture and tools from their bones. Their small home quickly became adorned with human-head lampshades and cow-spine garlands.
Bubba, who had much trouble expressing himself, found solace in wearing the faces of those he was tasked with preparing for the family's meals. He came to find great joy in sewing new masks every chance he was given, and wearing a different one for every occasion.
The slaughter would continue for several years, and their remote location meant it would be difficult to pin the culprits of the repeated disappearances, grave robbings, and cattle mutliations.
The members of the murderous Sawyer family are still largely unknown to the public, remaining as a fleeting and down-low family in poor old Muerto county.

Jason Voorhees(Murderous) momma's boy
He / Him - AMABNonverbal (communicated via limited ASL)
New JerseyiteLoner
Asexual - DemiromanticCalculating
Lawful NeutralStealthy

The Crystal Lake killer is known to many as just an urban legend, but those who meet the end of Jason's machete know better. He's a recluse, spending most of his day in his tiny shack with the severed head of his beloved mommy... Her ghost guides him to kill, kill, kill whoever enters their property... He can be reasoned with, if only you can appeal to his inner child.

Before he was even conceived, Jason was destined for tragedy. Born with numerous birth defects, Jason's parents, Elias and Pamela Voorhees, were informed that their son would live a short and tedious life.Elias was filled with hatred and disgust the very moment he laid eyes on Jason.
Pamela, on the other hand, loved him dearly.
Their conflicting views on little Jason, paired with Elias' already abusive tendencies, meant that the boy had a very troubled early childhood...
It didn't last very long, however, as Pamela eventually took it upon herself to dispose of her now former husband, chopping him up with his woodcutting axe and dumping his remains in the local scenic body of water - Crystal Lake.Though she struggled to support Jason entirely on her own, she did everything she could to shelter the boy. Due to his deformities and stunted mental development, Jason was not able to easily get along with any other children in general.When Jason had turned 13 years old, Pamela took a job as a cook for a newly-opened summer camp (one that was built around the same lake in which she had discarded of Elias' remains) and brought Jason along with her; both so she could keep an eye on him, and also to give him an opportunity to make a friend.From the moment they arrived, Jason was relentlessly bullied by the other attending children. His deformities made him stick out like a sore thumb, cognitive disabilities led him to harsh teasing, and his inability to swim later led to the worst moment of his life.On Friday, September 13th, the camp counselors, all of whom were hormonal late-teenagers, were far too distracted by each other's sexual activities to watch the children.
As a group, they cornered young Jason at the lake's dock, and subsequently forced him into the water.
Pamela was unfortunately too late to save her son.
No body was found.
The camp was shut down for the remainder of that year, but re-opened the next summer. Enraged at the fact that the owners not only had the nerve to open the camp again, but even hire the same counselors as the year prior, Pamela took it upon herself to enact her revenge.
She took the lives of two counselors before escaping. An urban legend sprouted - one that stated that Jason Voorhees himself had returned from the dead to avenge himself...
The camp was shut down for another 20 years.
20 years of restlessness for Pamela - until it re-opened again.
To prevent such a thing from happening, she kills the owner of the camp, as well as all of the newly hired counselors; all except for one Alice Hardy, who decapitates Pamela before she, too can be slaughtered...
Jason witnessed the death of his mother that night.Indeed - despite his disabilities and disfunctions, Jason Voorhees managed to survive entirely on his own in the woods for 20 whole years. Living in a shack and awaiting the return of his mother, he was distraught to see her in such a state...
Whilst Alice was speaking with the police the morning after the massacre, Jason hid away with his mother's belongings, as well as her severed head...
5 years later, a counselor training program opens up, using Crystal Lake's defunct cabins as a training ground.
Enraged that Crystal Lake is being intruded once again, Jason emerges, following in his mother's footsteps to continue the killings...
This pattern of counselor deaths would repeat until Jason was at last killed by Tommy Jarvis, a young boy living with his (now late) mother and sister in a cottage near the Crystal Lake property.... But, for Jason, death is a small obstacle.
He is ordered by his mother to kill, kill, kill.
His spirit, determined and full of vengeance, can not rest.
Still, he resides in the forest around Crystal Lake, now as a walking corpse with his mother's ghost as his guide.

  • Beelzemon

  • He/Him - AFAB

  • Digimon (Virus type)

  • Asexual - Demiromantic

  • 7'6

  • ESTP

  • Neutral Evil

  • One of the seven great demon lords of the Digital World

  • Surprisingly good with children

  • Overconfident

  • Stubborn

  • Reckless

  • Insecure

No backstory yet!

No backstory yet!